Released new Wordpress plugin WP Luminous - Syntax highlighter

David Carr

1 min read - 24th Jan, 2013

Table of Contents

I've recently come across a fantastic accurate and powerful syntax highlighting library built in PHP, There was a request on their Github page for a Wordpress version, the author of this library doesn't develop for Wordpress so I thought I would take up the challenge and built a Wordpress version called WP Luminous.

Its super easy to use and install:

  • Upload wp-luminous folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  • Optionall select a theme from the plugin settings page in settings/WP Luminous.
  • Place code inside
    blocks All languages are supported from the Luminous

Download this plugin from Wordpress at or search in the Wordpress admin for the plugin WP Luminous

Usage Example

Once installed and activated its very simple to use, place any code inside

tags there's many languages supported, see the For all of them.

For example entering: 

 <?php echo date('jS M Y', strtotime($date)); ?>;

would produce:

There plugin comes with a variety of themes, the theme can be selected from the plugin options page.

Download It

Download this plugin from Wordpress at or search in the Wordpress admin for the plugin WP Luminous

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